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Principal Pipe 1 by SweetnessMcGee.jpg

Principal Pipe


Principal Pipe was first mentioned on last Thursday's Broadcast of Over The Edge. In answer to the question of "What is the greatest Invention of Man and Woman Kind?" a caller responded with what sounded like "principal pipe" upon further inquiry it was found he said Move able type. This Dobbsian slip of the tongue is to date the only public reference to Principal Pipe outside of DobbsTown Malaysia.

What we know

Principal Pipe is the Figure head and over-seer at the Dobbstown school and reeducation Facility. It is rumored that he is in fact of the many bastard offspring of the high epopt's many trists with women from across the globe.

No two images of Principal Pipe are the same.


Principal Pipe is a tyrannical but understanding task master. He will not hesitate to pummel a Bobbie or Deanie if they decide to "give him some sass"

He meets bi-weekly with J.R. "BOB" Dobbs