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Lucky Mojo

Difference (from prior minor revision)

Changed: 2c2

< A source for supplies for "traditional" pagans (as opposed to the Wiccans). This place deals heavily in Hoodoo, Voodoo, folklore magic, "Hedge witchery," root magic, and other forms of traditionalism. Like a number of other self-proclaimed schools, they offer online correspondence courses via email.


> A source for supplies for traditional African American magic(k) and ritual. This place deals heavily in Hoodoo (mistaken by many for Vodoun, which it is not), folklore magic, root magic, and other forms of traditionalism. They offer online correspondence courses via email and postal mail. The course is offered for the individual's edification, and no claim is made as to the course's value beyond that.

A source for supplies for traditional African American magic(k) and ritual. This place deals heavily in Hoodoo (mistaken by many for Vodoun, which it is not), folklore magic, root magic, and other forms of traditionalism. They offer online correspondence courses via email and postal mail. The course is offered for the individual's edification, and no claim is made as to the course's value beyond that.
